Pierre Glaser

I am a final-year Machine Learning PhD Student in the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit. More about me here.

Recent Publications

Under Review (2024) (bioRxiv)

SIMPL: Scalable and hassle-free optimisation of neural representations from behaviour

High-dimensional neural activity in the brain is known to encode low-dimensional, time-evolving, behaviour-related variables. A fundamental goal of neural data analysis consists of identifying such variables and their mapping to neural activity. The canonical approach is to assume ... the latent variables are behaviour and visualize the subsequent tuning curves. However, significant mismatches between behaviour and the encoded variables may still exist — the agent may be thinking of another location, or be uncertain of its own — distorting the tuning curves and decreasing their interpretability. To address this issue a variety of methods have been proposed to learn this latent variable in an unsupervised manner; these techniques are typically expensive to train, come with many hyperparameters or scale poorly to large datasets complicating their adoption in practice. To solve these issues we propose SIMPL (Scalable Iterative Maximization of Population-coded Latents), an EM-style algorithm which iteratively optimizes latent variables and tuning curves. SIMPL is fast, scalable and exploits behaviour as an initial condition to further improve convergence and identifiability. We show SIMPL accurately recovers latent variables in biologically-inspired spatial and non-spatial tasks. When applied to a large rodent hippocampal dataset SIMPL efficiently finds a modified latent space with smaller, more numerous, and more uniformly-sized place fields than those based on behaviour, suggesting the brain may encode space with greater resolution than previously thought.

NeurIPS 2024 (pdf)

Near-Optimality of Contrastive Divergence Algorithms

We provide a non-asymptotic analysis of the contrastive divergence (CD) algorithm, a training method for unnormalized models. While prior work has established that (for exponential family distributions) the CD iterates asymptotically converge at an \(O(n^{-1/3})\) rate to the true parameter of the data distribution ... , we show that CD can achieve the parametric rate . Our analysis provides results for various data batching schemes, including fully online and minibatch. We additionally show that CD is near-optimal, in the sense that its asymptotic variance is close to the Cramér-Rao lower bound.

Under Review (2024) (ArXiv)

(De)-regularized Maximum Mean Discrepancy Gradient Flow

We introduce a (de)-regularization of the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (DrMMD) and its Wasserstein gradient flow. Existing gradient flows that transport samples from source distribution to target distribution with only target samples, either lack tractable numerical implementations ... (f-divergence flows) or require strong assumptions, and modifications such as noise injection, to ensure convergence (Maximum Mean Discrepancy flows). In contrast, DrMMD flow can simultaneously (i) guarantee near-global convergence for a broad class of targets in both continuous and discrete time, and (ii) be implemented in closed form using only samples. The former is achieved by leveraging the connection between the DrMMD and the χ2-divergence, while the latter comes by treating DrMMD as MMD with a de-regularized kernel. Our numerical scheme uses an adaptive de-regularization schedule throughout the flow to optimally trade off between discretization errors and deviations from the χ2 regime. The potential application of the DrMMD flow is demonstrated across several numerical experiments, including a large-scale setting of training student/teacher networks.

ICML 2024 (pdf)

Kernel-Based Evaluation of Conditional Biological Sequence Models

We propose a set of kernel-based tools to evaluate the designs and tune the hyperparameters of conditional sequence models, with a focus on problems in computational biology. The backbone of our tools is a new measure of discrepancy ... between the true conditional distribution and the model’s estimate, called the Augmented Conditional Maximum Mean Discrepancy (ACMMD). Provided that the model can be sampled from, the ACMMD can be estimated unbiasedly from data to quantify absolute model fit, integrated within hypothesis tests, and used to evaluate model reliability. We demonstrate the utility of our approach by analyzing a popular protein design model, ProteinMPNN. We are able to reject the hypothesis that ProteinMPNN fits its data for various protein families, and tune the model’s temperature hyperparameter to achieve a better fit.

UAI 2023, Spotlight presentation (pdf)

Fast and Scalable Score-Based Kernel Calibration Tests

We introduce the Kernel Calibration Conditional Stein Discrepancy test (KCCSD test), a nonparametric, kernel-based test for assessing the calibration of probabilistic models with well-defined scores. In contrast to previous methods, ... test avoids the need for possibly expensive expectation approximations while providing control over its type-I error.

We achieve these improvements by using a new family of kernels for score-based probabilities that can be estimated without probability density samples, and by using a Conditional Goodness of Fit criterion for the KCCSD test's U-statistic.

The tractability of the KCCSD test widens the surface area of calibration measures to new promising use-cases, such as regularization during model training. We demonstrate the properties of our test on various synthetic settings.

October 2022 - Under Review (ArXiv)

Learning Unnormalized Models for Simulation-Based Inference

We introduce two synthetic likelihood methods for Simulation-Based Inference (SBI), to conduct either amortized or targeted inference from experimental observations when a high-fidelity simulator is available. Both methods learn a conditional... energy-based model (EBM) of the likelihood using synthetic data generated by the simulator, conditioned on parameters drawn from a proposal distribution. The learned likelihood can then be combined with any prior to obtain a posterior estimate, from which samples can be drawn using MCMC.

Our methods uniquely combine a flexible Energy-Based Model and the minimization of a KL loss: this is in contrast to other synthetic likelihood methods, which either rely on normalizing flows, or minimize score-based objectives; choices that come with known pitfalls.

We demonstrate the properties of both methods on a range of synthetic datasets, and apply them to a neuroscience model of the pyloric network in the crab, where our method outperforms prior art for a fraction of the simulation budget.

October 2021 - Accepted at NeurIPS 2021 (ArXiv)

KALE Flow: A Relaxed KL Gradient Flow for Probabilities with Disjoint Support

We study the gradient flow for a relaxed approximation to the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between a moving source and a fixed target distribution. This approximation, termed the KALE (KL approximate lower-bound estimator)... solves a regularized version of the Fenchel dual problem defining the KL over a restricted class of functions.

When using a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) to define the function class, we show that the KALE continuously interpolates between the KL and the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD). Like the MMD and other Integral Probability Metrics, the KALE remains well defined for mutually singular distributions. Nonetheless, the KALE inherits from the limiting KL a greater sensitivity to mismatch in the support of the distributions, compared with the MMD.

These two properties make the KALE gradient flow particularly well suited when the target distribution is supported on a low-dimensional manifold. Under an assumption of sufficient smoothness of the trajectories, we show the global convergence of the KALE flow. We propose a particle implementation of the flow given initial samples from the source and the target distribution, which we use to empirically confirm the KALE's properties.
