An Introduction to jax

Pierre Glaser, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit

Brief Summary

jax is a Python Library that is able to transform pure and statically composed programs. These transformations include:

  • Vectorization
  • (just-in-time) Compilation to CPU/GPU/TPU
  • Automatic Differentiation

Although some of these transformations were handled by separate libraries (such as numba or pytorch, Jax handles them in a unified way; making these features interoperate seamlessly.

The state of Scientific Computing

Canonical language for writing Machine Learning code: Python

    Python achieves a desirable tradeoff between efficiency and flexibility:

  • Python Extensibility allows common compute heavy operations are delegated to efficient implementations...
  • While remaining dynamically typed, garbage collected

bottlenecks of Writing ML Code

  • Not all of scientific computations are still efficient: optimisation are done at a primitive level (BLAS/Lapack)
  • No global program understanding due to the interpreted nature of Python
  • User-level bottleneck when writing complex code: manual batching, manual parallelization...

Beating Python at its own game

  • jax operates on pure Python Programs that rely only on jax primitives.
  • jax leverages the extreme polymorphic nature of Python to build global compute graphs out of python functions using a Tracing mechanism
  • A Tracer is passed in lieu of each function's input, and records all operations applied on the input to build the graph describing the said function
  • The graph can then be transformed by either jax (yielding auto-vectorization and auto-differentiation) or third-party compiler libraries
  • in order to perform its advertised features.

  • jax operates on functionally pure python functions expressed in terms of jax primitives only
  • the restriction to pure functions:
    • limits the complexity of the jax codebase, the surface area of the third-party compilers (built by the tensorflow team) operating on jax graphs
    • allows compilers to leverage referential transparency and perform optimizations such as CSE, parallelization, rematerialization...
  • The restriction to jax primitives becomes less and less harmful as the jax ecosystem grows (and it does.)

jax.jit: inner workings

  • jax is a frontend layer that generates a DAG from some python function.
  • During JIT compilation, this DAG is then extensively optimized using (one of) jax's backend, like XLA
  • output format LLVM IR (uses LLVM to generate bytecode)
Jax Workflow
  • Target-independent optimisation: operator fusion, parallelization, loop-invariant code motion, CSE...
  • Target dependent optmization: GPU-specific operator fusion, stream partitionning, cache-line padding etc.

Example: operator fusion

Jax Workflow
Jax Workflow